Jointless Flooring

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Jointless Flooring

What is Jointless Flooring ?

Jointless flooring are those type of floors which are erected in large panels typically 50 m square without median joints.

The word ‘jointless’ can be confusing, as there is a practical upper limit to the area of concrete that can be placed in a single continuous operation. No joints are sawn, but steel fibres are embraced into the concrete mix control the width and distribution of cracks caused by shrinkage.

Why you might need to jointless floors?

    A convenience of jointless tiles to the building user is the chance of having proportionally large areas of floor with no joints. Jointless floor lessens patronage cost. Joints are the major reason of problems for the floor user, Fewer joints =fewer patronage and higher MHE proficiency.

  1. No joints up to 6 000m2
  2. Flatter and sleeker floors
  3. Increased forklift proficiency and capacity.
  4. Lessened forklift patronance costs
  5. No curling – No joints
  6. Superb drudgery and fortitude
  7. Shrinkage and crack dominance

    From warehouse floors to high-technology, pharmaceutical and food manufacturing facilities, the trend toward jointless floors continues to grow anywhere lesser joints, lesser cracks, less maintenance and exceptional longevity are necessary.